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PCT contracting States for which a regional patent can be obtained via the PCT

ColumnsDownload list
OfficeStates for which only a regional patent can be obtained (and not a national patent)States for which a regional patent can be obtained in addition to, or instead of, a national patent
AP - African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) SZ - Eswatini
BW - Botswana
CV - Cabo Verde
GH - Ghana
GM - Gambia
KE - Kenya
LR - Liberia
LS - Lesotho
MW - Malawi
MZ - Mozambique
NA - Namibia
RW - Rwanda
SC - Seychelles
SD - Sudan
SL - Sierra Leone
ST - Sao Tome and Principe
TZ - United Republic of Tanzania
UG - Uganda
ZM - Zambia
ZW - Zimbabwe
EA - Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) Not applicable
AM - Armenia
AZ - Azerbaijan
BY - Belarus
KG - Kyrgyzstan
KZ - Kazakhstan
RU - Russian Federation
TJ - Tajikistan
TM - Turkmenistan
EP - European Patent Office (EPO) BE - Belgium
CY - Cyprus
FR - France
GR - Greece
IE - Ireland
LT - Lithuania
LV - Latvia
MC - Monaco
ME - Montenegro
MT - Malta
NL - Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
SI - Slovenia
SM - San Marino
AL - Albania
AT - Austria
BG - Bulgaria
CH - Switzerland
CZ - Czechia
DE - Germany
DK - Denmark
EE - Estonia
ES - Spain
FI - Finland
GB - United Kingdom
HR - Croatia
HU - Hungary
IS - Iceland
IT - Italy
LU - Luxembourg
MK - North Macedonia
NO - Norway
PL - Poland
PT - Portugal
RO - Romania
RS - Serbia
SE - Sweden
SK - Slovakia
TR - Türkiye
OA - African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) BF - Burkina Faso
BJ - Benin
CF - Central African Republic
CG - Congo
CI - Côte d'Ivoire
CM - Cameroon
GA - Gabon
GN - Guinea
GQ - Equatorial Guinea
GW - Guinea-Bissau
KM - Comoros
ML - Mali
MR - Mauritania
NE - Niger
SN - Senegal
TD - Chad
TG - Togo
Not applicable